Lil’ Timmy is Desperate to take His Act to the Big Leagues

Tim Moore is the longest serving House Speaker in North Carolina history. Rather than using his position to help the people of North Carolina Lil’ Timmy has focused on finding ways to enrich himself and his friends at every turn. He has abused his position time and again for personal gain. Timmy Tales will detail his outrageous track record of self-dealings.

Why now? Because the stakes have never been higher. Lil’ Timmy has set his sights on becoming a United States Congressman. He wants to take his act to Washington, D.C. where he will fit right in next to all the swamp creatures roaming the nation’s capital. We can’t let that happen. Our state deserves better.
Lil’ Timmy has made his aspirations blatantly obvious. He worked to gerrymander North Carolina’s Congressional maps.

Coincidentally, a friendly district was drawn to set him up for a run.

The plan was thwarted when incumbent Representative Madison Cawthorn announced he would move into “Lil’ Timmy’s district” rather than play along with Speaker Moore’s plans.

Most recently Moore proposed a bill that would enforce term limits on members of the US House of Representatives. A stunning act of hypocrisy from a career politician who has served in the NC House since 2003 and as the longest serving Speaker in North Carolina history.

It is time to stop Lil’ Timmy by shining some sunlight on his record.

We can’t trust his record. We can’t trust his values.



Speaker Tim Moore joined an LLC called Southeast Land Holdings. Shortly after he joined the corporate entity bought a poultry processing plant in Siler City for just $85,000. Less than three years later Moore and the company flipped the poultry plant to another company for $550,000?

How does Moore buy a property for $85,000 and then sell it for $550,000 in just three years???

The deal was possible after a $1.6 million dollar grant from the Rural Infrastructure Authority to Siler City for “expanded wastewater service” to the site of the property and then an additional $2.3 million in local tax incentives from Chatham County and Siler City. These lucrative taxpayer incentives were all awarded while Tim Moore was Speaker of the North Carolina House.
All in all, Moore realized a 547% profit on the property after doing seemingly little work to increase its value.

Questions for Timmy

  • Did Tim Moore have any communication with economic development officials or local elected officials in Chatham County or Siler City prior to, during or after the awarding of the taxpayer funded grants?
  • Who else was involved in the formation, management and decision-making at Southeast Land Holdings, LLC?
  • Specifically, what was Tim Moore’s role?
  • How much of the profit from the sale of the poultry plant ultimately ended up enriching Tim Moore directly?
  • How much did his friends and business partners earn from the transaction?

Leveraging Power for Pay and Not Even Bothering to Do the Work to Justify It

Over the years as Speaker Tim Moore has accumulated more influence, he has never been shy about using his position to enrich himself and his friends

In 2015, he leveraged his way into a lucrative contract back home in Cleveland County. The Cleveland County Commissioners dismissed their County Attorney who had held the job for 32 years and quickly installed Moore. Moore had been actively campaigning for the job for months prior to the change.

At the time the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners was Tim Moore’s cousin, Jason Falls. So it is not surprising that the job also came with an increased retainer and a brand new full-time lawyer to assist Moore as County Attorney and help ensure he didn’t actually have to work hard to earn his payday.

During his first year as County Attorney Moore missed more than 10% of the Board Meetings.

Burning Questions:

  • What clients of Tim Moore and his law firm also have business or contracts with Cleveland County?
  • What is Tim Moore’s current compensation from Cleveland County for his work with the Board?
  • What businesses, developers, and other clients have Tim Moore on a retainer to provide income that is not subject to disclosure on State Ethics forms?

‘Lil Timmy & The NC Bail Association – “They’re Not Only a Donor, They’re Also a Client!”

Since 2010, ‘Lil Timmy has received thousands of dollars from the NC Bail Agents Association. He’s also received thousands from individuals connected to the Bail Bond industry in North Carolina.
The NC Bail Agents Association has previously retained Tim Moore in his capacity as an attorney for legal representation.

None of this stopped ‘Lil Timmy from shepherding beneficial legislation through the NC General Assembly on behalf of the Bail Bond industry in North Carolina.
Shortly thereafter, in July of 2012, the North Carolina House of Representatives passed a bill that gave the NC Bail Agents Association an effective monopoly in the state.
At the time a Wake County Judge said “this court cannot find any factual, logical or reasonable basis that (the law) serves any other purpose other than to eliminate all current and future competition for the benefit of a private corporation or association in violation of the North Carolina Constitution.”

Burning Questions

One of Tim Moore’s campaign committee’s highest-paid vendors is Shook Consulting, which is owned and operated by Madison Shook. Shook is a registered lobbyist for the bail bonds industry.

  • Did Tim Moore play a role in securing this contract for Shook?
  • Did Shook make any promises about potential legislation to her client?
  • Did Shook make recommendations regarding candidate contributions to her client?
  • If so, did those recommendations include Speaker Tim Moore?

Mark Bibbs is a longtime friend and associate of Tim Moore dating back to their time as roommates at UNC-Chapel Hill.

In February 2018, Mark Bibbs was indicted for lobbying the state legislature regarding bail bond legislation without filing the proper paperwork and covering it up from investigators.

  • What did Tim Moore know about his close friends lobbying efforts regarding the Bail Industry prior to the indictment?
  • Did Moore ever take a meeting with Bibbs to discuss potential legislation or anything pertaining to the Bail Bond industry while Bibbs was not registered as a lobbyist in North Carolina?

Cross ‘Lil Timmy – Lose Your Job

North Carolina’s public University system has long been the crown jewel of the state. That has never stopped ‘Lil Timmy from putting his personal politics and relationships over the success of the university system and providing a quality education for its students.

One example occurred in 2021 when Tim Moore pressured and ultimately retaliated against a fellow House member who dared not back his preferred candidate for chancellor. State Representative Holly Grange was a member of the UNC Wilmington Board of Trustees. In 2021, she was just a year into her term that should have run through June of 2025. That all changed thanks to the backroom pressure and influence from ‘Lil Timmy.

A bill was filed in the State House that directly targeted Representative Grange and stripped her of her appointment to the Board of Trustees – a move that was likely without precedent. Grange immediately made it clear this unprecedented move was the result of her decision to support Aswani Volety during the search process instead of ‘Lil Timmy’s preferred candidate Clayton Somers.

Somers is a close associate to Tim Moore’s and served as his Chief of Staff from 2015 to 2017. It was widely known that Somers was Moore’s preferred candidate throughout the search mainly because he exerted “an incredible amount of intimidation” on search committee members of the Board of Trustees. Even members of the UNC Board of Governor’s lobbied the Board of Trustees on behalf of Moore to appoint Sommers – tainting the entire search process with politics.

One committee member even said on the record that ‘Lil Timmy and his allies threatened that UNC Wilmington’s budget and search process were on the line if he didn’t get his way.

In the end, he abused his influence as Speaker to remove a duly appointed Trustee from the Board simply for bucking him and supporting a more qualified candidate for chancellor. No one was surprised – for ‘Lil Timmy it is always appears to be about his power and his friends – never about what’s best for North Carolina.


‘Lil Timmy Has Funneled More Than $100k in Campaign Funds to Himself and His Businesses

Campaign finance records show that since 2002 Moore’s campaign committee has paid or reimbursed himself, his family members, his businesses and his private legal practices more than $100,000.

These include payments to his law firm, Moore’s Market and Grill, and Moore Properties of Kings Mountain. In 2018, ‘Lil Timmy began paying his private legal practice for office rent, paying $1,000 or more a month.

Many of these payments included tens of thousands of dollars in campaign funds going to himself and the businesses he controls.

Among the transactions Timmy Tales has investigated:

  • Over $14,000 to his own rental company.
  • Over $9,000 at Moore’s Market & Grill, which he owned. This even included $950 for a computer/printer.
  • More than $70,000 to his own law firm for office rent and campaign work.

The payments to his own rental company for a condo he lived in at the time were the subject of criticism. In 2015, WBTV reported that Moore’s campaign had paid “a company he owns, Moore Properties of Kings Mountain, LLC, to rent a condo in Raleigh.”

According to the report, Moore’s campaign committee started making $1,200 rent payments to the LLC in 2013 and made monthly rent payments for 10 out of 12 months in 2014 as well as January 2015.

If ‘Lil Timmy is using campaign funds required to be publicly reported to enrich himself, you have to ask yourself:
What other sources of income is he leveraging out of sight from reporters and the public?


‘Lil Timmy: A Tale of Pay to Play Culture in Two Acts

Act One:

‘Lil Timmy represented Sky Boat Gaming as a private attorney. At the same time, Sky Boat Gaming was interested in a proposed Catawba Indian Casino project in Cleveland County, Moore’s home county.

Also at the same time, ‘Lil Timmy was publicly pushing for the project’s approval, frequently advocating for the casino in local press articles.
Public records show that Metcon, a commercial developer, was a construction partner of Sky Boat Gaming.

Moore has received over $30,000 in campaign contributions from Metcon employees, including over $25,000 directly from Metcon’s president.

‘Lil Timmy – blurring the lines between clients, legislation, and donors.

Act Two

While Moore received buckets of campaign cash, the contributors received favorable legislation.

When ‘Lil Timmy was Rules Chairman, he pushed legislation that required Durham city officials to extend water and sewer to a 166-acre mixed-use development called 751 South near Jordan Lake. The legislation also allowed for an expansion of Colvard Farms, an adjacent, upscale residential neighborhood.

Here is the twist ending that will shock no one: Neal Hunter was a key investor in 751 South and his buddy Tim Moore made this multi-million dollar project possible with this legislation.

In 2017, it was reported that biotechnology company KNOW Bio paid $40,000 in legal fees to ‘Lil Timmy.

Neal Hunter, the co-founder and board chairman of KNOW Bio has contributed $35,000 to Moore over the years.

This relationship triggered an investigation by the Wake County District Attorney.


Special Edition - Timmy gets sued

A new lawsuit, filed Sunday, accuses Speaker Tim Moore of having a years-long sexual relationship with a married state government employee.

The lawsuit, filed by Scott Lassiter, an assistant principal for Wake County Public Schools, claims that Moore “aggressively pursued a sexual relationship” with Lassiter’s wife, Jamie Liles Lassiter, the executive director of the N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court. According to the lawsuit, Liles Lassiter hoped her “acquiescence” to Moore’s demands would benefit her employer, and feared ending the relationship would result in losing her job.

Both Scott and Jamie Lassiter are registered Republicans, Facebook friends with Tim Moore, and have donated to Moore’s political campaigns.

The lawsuit claims the affair between Moore and Liles Lassiter lasted for more than three years, and resulted in the “destruction” of the Lassiters’ marriage. Among the allegations in the lawsuit is a claim that Liles Lassiter engaged in “group sex” with Moore and “other individuals seeking Defendant Tim Moore’s political favor.”

The lawsuit includes a photo that claims to be of Moore and Liles Lassiter together outside of Sullivan’s Steakhouse at 11 p.m. the night before the alleged affair became known to Scott Lassiter. The lawsuit also claims that after the alleged affair came to light, Scott Lassiter and Tim Moore met at a Biscuitville in Raleigh, where Moore allegedly confessed and implied “that he could use his power he held as Speaker in some way to benefit” Scott Lassiter.

Moore is not the only accused party in the lawsuit. The lawsuit also lists an unidentified defendant, “John Doe,” who is accused of acting on Moore’s behalf and trespassing on the Lassiters’ property to install a camera that would capture photos and videos of Scott Lassiter for potential blackmail. The John Doe has not been identified, but photos of him on the Lassiter property were captured via the Lassiters’ security camera.

Who is John Doe and why did he allegedly act on Moore’s behalf? We have questions.